Sunday, 9 November 2008

Clone Wars: Downfall of a Droid - First Impressions

I must say that the previews of Downfall of a Droid left me somewhat unimpressed. There didn't seem much to it except for 'Oh no, R2 has gone missing!' - and, to be perfectly honest, there wasn't really - but I was still left outstanded by the constant quality of the Clone Wars so far.

The first point I must make is regarding the growth of the suspension of belief in the series (Oh the irony of discussing the supsension of belief in a childrens Sci-Fi TV show!) - Clone Wars is meant to be a stylised version of the Star Wars universe; things that we think are cool are done, no matter what. The Skirmish (I refuse to call it a battle, because it wasn't!) of Bothawui came to a close with an assault by Captain Rex and a column of AT-TE's, positioned on the asteroid belt surrounding the planet, firing up Grievous's attack force. Infinitley cool sounding - It's clones, in space. But the niggling feeling of disbelief stifled my fanboy enjoyment of the moment - instead of my first thoughts being 'Wow, that's amazing!', I instead thought 'Now how the hell are they doing that!?' A closer fought space battle following Ahsoka's command on the bridge would have been much more realistic, and still as enjoyable. A minor complaint, but nonetheless I hope that this suspension of belief doesn't end up curtailing my enjoyment of the series as we soldier on through it.

Another minor niggle would be the essence of the story itself - R2-D2 is lost in the aftermath of the fighting, and Anakin must find him. Unlike situations explored in previous episodes of the series, very little emotion can be wrought from this scenario - because we already know that R2 will be fine! The episode may have fared better if, perhaps, it was Ahsoka who was captured - as we do not already know her fate as a character, we will feel more caring and emotionally connected to the story (infact, the second part of this story seems to toy with concept as Ahsoka duels Grievous on his secret listening post - more on that next week!). However, this plot point is overshadowed by some interesting elements sown in - the idea of Anakin's replacement Astromech, R3, as a seperatist saboteur is sown in, and I liked the idea that R2 isn't just being rescued because 'he's one of the main good guys', but it is instead logically explained that he holds important Republic tacitcal information in that lovable bonce of his. Also, Jedi vs. IG droids is always fun to watch - at first I didn't particularly like Ahsoka's 'reverse-wielding' fighting style, but as the series has progressed she becomes more and more interesting to watch in the show's many fight scenes - let's hope this is the case in her duel with General Grievous in next week's concluding episode.

Whilst Downfall is very much a first-of-two style episode, and although it is not the best entrance in the Clone Wars, it is still a very enjoyable episode and thankfully continues this series' entertaining run. Bring on Duel of the Droids next week!

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